Watching written 33 times in the NWT Reference bible

- "Watching" written exactly 33 times (Totally) in the NWT Reference Bible.
(found the word by using the 2001 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society CD Rom)
- Judges 5:28
- Judges 7:17
- Ftnote;
"Kept watching [for him]," T; M, "kept lamenting." - 1Samuel 1:12
- 1Samuel 4:13
- Job 10:14
- Psalms 59:0
- Psalms 68:16
- Psalms 130:6
- Proverbs 8:34
- Proverbs 31:27
- Ecclesiastes 5:8
- Ecclesiasties 11:4
- Isaiah 42:20
- Jeremiah 3:5
- Jeremiah 20:10
- Zechariah 11:11
- Matthew 27:54
- Mark 3:2
- Luke 6:7
- Luke 12:37
- Luke 12:39
- Luke 14:1
- Acts 9:24
- 1Corinthians 3:10
- 1Corinthians 8:9
- Colossians 4:17
- Hebrews 12:15
- Bible Words Indexed: P1500
1Co 3:10 each keep watching - Bible Words Indexed: P1512
Lu 12:37 master on arriving f. watching! - Bible Words Indexed: P1542
Lu 12:37 Happy are s. master finds watching - Bible Words Indexed: P1551
WATCHING, Pr 8:34 Happy is the man w. my - Bible Words Indexed: P1552
Ec 11:4 He that is watching w. will not sow
The list of the word "watching"; written exactly 33 times throughout 'A bible...'
- End part 14 -
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